Volunteer at NFCF 2024!
Volunteers are coordinated by The Fletcher Free Library. Questions? Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Shatara at BShatara@burlingtonvt.gov.
General Requirements:
Be at least 14 years of age
Commit to at least one three-hour shift
Attend a mandatory 25-minute briefing session in advance of the festival
Please read volunteer descriptions below and apply to volunteer by emailing Barbara Shatara at BShatara@burlingtonvt.gov.
Volunteers will be needed for the following positions:
Day-of Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer liaisons between FFL contact, Barbara Shatara, and volunteers throughout the festival. Previous experience with event coordination is preferred but not required. Knowledge of audio-visual systems would be helpful.
Nov. 15th: 1 Open Position. 4hr shift
Nov. 16th: 1 Open Positions. 8hr shift
Nov. 17th: 1 Open Positions. 6hr shift
Event Set-up Volunteers
Volunteers set up rooms for exhibitors, lectures, panel discussions and other events. Ability to lift chairs and folding tables is required.
Nov 15th: 8 Open Positions, 3hr shift late afternoon and after library close
Nov 16th: 4 Open Positions, 2 hr shift morning
Nov 17th: 4 Open Positions, 2 hr shift morning and late afternoon
Programming Volunteers
Volunteers announce programming throughout the day, directs attendees to programming rooms, ensures programming runs smoothly and on time.
Nov 16th: 4 Open Positions, 2 hr shift
Nov 17th: 4 Open Positions, 2 hr shift
Workshop Volunteers
Volunteers direct attendees to workshop rooms, ensures workshops run smoothly and on time.
Nov 17th: 4 Open Positions, 2 hr shift
AV Volunteers
Volunteer helps setup AV for authors/speakers. Knowledge of computers and Audio-Visual equipment required. 4hr shifts
Nov 16th: 1 Open Positions
Nov 17th: 1 Open Position
Volunteers welcome people attending the festival and provide guidance to help them find the programs they want to attend. Provide general directions to areas of the Library. 2 shifts, 4hrs.
Nov 16th: 6 Open Positions
Nov 17th: 6 Open Positions
Exhibitor Happiness Volunteers
Volunteers check in with exhibitors throughout the day to make sure their needs are met. Deliver water bottles and snacks, collect trash, watch exhibitor tables during panels or breaks. Prior convention tabling experience preferred. 2 shifts, 4hrs.
Nov 16th: 6 Open Positions
Nov 17th: 6 Open Positions
Questions? Please contact Barbara Shatara at BShatara@burlingtonvt.gov.